At New York Life, we understand that the loss of a loved one can be a very difficult and confusing time. That’s why we make it our priority to keep the claims process as simple and streamlined as possible.
The quickest way to report a life insurance claim is to complete our online notification form to start the claim process.* You’ll need a contract number, as well as the deceased’s social security number, date of birth and details about the death. We will also need your phone number, email and mailing address to get in touch with you.
Start your claimIf you are making an accelerated benefit claim, please click here.

1. Complete online
notification form

2. Under review (Up to 7-10 business days)

3. Provide documentation (Sometimes necessary)

4. Complete claims packet (Sometimes necessary)

5. Confirmation
If you need a claims packet…
Many people can submit their claim completely online, but if you are asked to provide additional information, you may need to download our full claims packet. If so, you can download it below and submit it here.
Download a full claims packet Start a claim by mail or faxIf you have already submitted an online notification form or have called to report this claim, please allow 7-10 business days for review.
Bereavement support
If you need help understanding your role as an executor or beneficiary, finding bereavement resources, or accessing your benefits in any way, we can help guide you. Explore the links below.

Helping you through this difficult time.
Whether you need emotional support, or assistance with some of the decisions that need to be made, this may help provide much needed guidance.

After a loved one dies.
Explore the ways children grieve and read about tips that parents and other adults can use to support them.

FAQs concerning death benefit proceeds.
If you, or one of your loved ones, is a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, these FAQs can address many of your logistical questions and financial concerns.
Support for the journey ahead.
New York Life is partnering with Empathy to help you through these next steps.†
From time-saving tools to personalized care, Empathy gives beneficiaries the resources to handle the practical and emotional challenges that follow the loss of a loved one.
Personalized guidance
Checklists tailored to your specific needs give you step-by-step guidance for every challenge brought by loss. Whether it’s helping you understand the will or navigate the probate process, you’ll get the care you deserve.
Tools for coping
Everyone experiences grief differently. No matter what you are going through, Empathy offers emotional support resources to get you through your hardest days.
Human support
A dedicated member of Empathy’s Care Team is there to help you every step of the way. They can take tasks off your hands, handle complicated paperwork, and give you tailored care and guidance.

† Empathy is not affiliated with New York Life and provides this service at no cost to you.